Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fwd: NDEP News & Notes: Join NDEP to Support Healthy Aging Month and NDEP’s Diabetes Resources for Older Adults!

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From: NIDDK News <niddk.news@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 6:58 AM
Subject: NDEP News & Notes: Join NDEP to Support Healthy Aging Month and NDEP's Diabetes Resources for Older Adults!
To: iammejtm@gmail.com

NDEP News & Notes

 Volume 10, Issue 9 Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ndepgov Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/ndep Find us on YouTube: www.youtube.com/ndepgov RSS

September is Healthy Aging Month 
Diabetes occurs in people of all ages, and type 2 diabetes is more common in older adults. Help older adults learn how to manage their diabetes or take steps to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. Visit NDEP's Diabetes Resources for Older Adults webpage to find a collection of resources designed to support the needs of this population.

Hispanic Heritage Month Begins September 15 
September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. The NDEP has resources you can use to support your diabetes outreach in the Hispanic/Latino community.

September is National Preparedness Month
People with diabetes face particular challenges to their health care when it comes to natural disasters or emergencies. Learn how people with diabetes and their families can prepare themselves.

Explore Diabetes HealthSense
NDEP's Diabetes HealthSense online tool can help you find resources to support people in making changes to live well – whether they have diabetes or not. Use resources, such as Sit & Be Fit's television exercise series aimed to support healthy aging.

NDEP Call for Diabetes Resources Geared for Older Adults
The NDEP is looking to expand its Diabetes Resources for Older Adults page. If you have a diabetes prevention or management resource geared for older adults, caregivers of older adults, or health care professionals, please share it with NDEP by completing this submission form.

National Diabetes Month 2014: Coming Soon!
This November, the NDEP will promote the theme "Be Smart About Your Heart: Control the ABCs of Diabetes" to raise awareness about the link between diabetes and heart disease, and steps people with diabetes can take to lower their chances of having a heart attack or stroke. To learn more about this year's theme and resources, visit YourDiabetesInfo.org/DiabetesMonth2014.

PPOD (Pharmacy, Podiatry, Optometry, and Dentistry) New Tool Kit and Webinar
Too many people with diabetes are not getting the care they need when it comes to annual foot, eye, and oral exams, or managing their medication. The enhanced Working Together to Manage Diabetes Toolkit empowers PPOD professionals and other providers to deliver more integrated care for patients with, or at risk for, diabetes. 

Learn from PPOD professionals who have worked collaboratively in their communities to better care for patients at risk for diabetes and those who already have diabetes using PPOD tools. Register for the webinar on Monday, September 8 at 12:00 noon (EDT); 9:00 AM (PDT)

CDC Releases New Article on the Risk of Developing Diabetes 
Results from a modelling study found that approximately two out of every five Americans will develop type 2 diabetes at some point during their adult lives.

Partners Shine in NDEP's Partner Spotlight
NDEP's September Partner Spotlight features the Alabama Department of Health's Diabetes Prevention and Control Program for using NDEP promotional tools to create and implement outreach activities.

On the Road with NDEP
See where NDEP will be presenting or exhibiting or download a presentation from a past event.

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This service is provided to you at no charge by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases

This email was sent to iammejtm@gmail.com using GovDelivery, on behalf of: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) · 31 Center Drive, MSC 2560 · Bethesda, MD 20892 · 301-496-3583

Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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