Monday, August 18, 2014

Fwd: 3 Unbreakable Trading Rules

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From: Rude Awakening <>
Date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 7:32 AM
Subject: 3 Unbreakable Trading Rules

How to navigate an unforgiving market
Rude Awakening
August 18, 2014
3 Unbreakable
Trading Rules
  • How to navigate an unforgiving market
  • Why price is king
  • Plus: What kind of trader are you?

Greg Guenthner coming to you from Baltimore, MD...

Greg Guenthner
Greg Guenthner
I've received tons of trading questions over the past few weeks...

You want to know how you can safely grow your money using time-tested trading strategies. Or you're looking to supplement your income with the occasional short-term trade. You even want to find out how to spot trades in any type of market--whether the major averages are moving up, down, or sideways.

Simply put, you want to get the most out of the trading ideas I share with you every single day.

Well, I have some good news for you. And a surprise you won't want to miss. More on the surprise at the bottom of this email.

But first, to help put you on the right track, I've brought in our resident trading expert Jonas Elmerraji to deliver you his three unbreakable trading rules. Abide by these rules and you could instantly cut your losers and ride your winners.

"You already know the stock market is unforgiving," Jonas says. "It doesn't care what you think. It doesn't care how smart you are. No matter how many years of experience you have -- or how many complex techniques you employ -- you will lose money if you refuse to approach the market with a trader's mind-set."

That's why Jonas and I have compiled three unbreakable trading rules for you today. When you begin to understand these simple rules, you'll have the opportunity to drastically improve your returns -- and protect your portfolio from crippling losses.

Now -- more than ever -- don't let the market fool you into making a bad trade!

Here's how you can avoid getting burned:

1. Obey Price Action -- No Matter What

"For traders, price is king," Jonas explains. "Price action will tell you everything you need to know about the state of the markets. Everything else is just noise."

The minute you allow your analysis to drift away from price, you are vulnerable to bad decisions that will cost you money. Let's say you believe the markets will correct in the fall because valuations are just too high. It would be a mistake to take this analysis to heart if the market began to move against you. That's where you'd run into trouble. Instead of obeying price action, you insist that your analysis is correct and the market will soon "wake up" and prove you right.

Nine times out of 10, the need to be "right" will end up costing you money. Price is your judge and jury. If you are wrong, allow your trade to stop out and move on to your next opportunity.

2. Don't Chase Breakouts

Sometimes, a stock on your watch list will gap higher due to a positive earnings announcement or other news event. In these cases, it's critical you don't "chase" the stock and buy shares when it's overextended.

"You must be selective and stick to your trading plan," Jonas says. "Don't ever go 'all in' and buy more shares than you should just because you saw a choice setup trigger. If you're looking to hold a trade for a few weeks to a few months, you might want to consider waiting for additional confirmation before entering a trade."

Chasing breakouts will lead to more stopped-out and unsuccessful trades. That will lower your winning percentage and saps away your hard-earned gains. Be selective and patient and you'll dramatically improve your trading results.

3. Identify Your Quick Trades vs. Core Holdings

You should never buy a stock without first defining your trading goals. I recommend placing your potential trades into two categories: quick trades and core holdings.

A quick trade is just that -- a stock you plan to hold for a few days to a few weeks. On the other hand, a core holding can be a play on a much larger trend, such as the housing market recovery or the rising popularity of firearms. Trades in each of these categories should come with their own set of rules that work for you, along with the appropriate stop loss levels.

If you have set goals for all of your trades, you're less likely to let a quick trade turn into a long-term hold -- or take gains off the table too quickly in the case of a potential longer-term play.

If you look back on the last "bad trade" you executed, I can all but guarantee it went wrong because you bought out of excitement without considering all of the possible outcomes.

"A little planning can go a long way," Jonas concludes. "Before you make your next trade, consult these simple rules to make sure you're jumping into the market with the proper expectations and an open mind."

Now, back to that surprise I mentioned earlier...

If you're looking to kick-start your trading results, Jonas wants to help you get from zero to $10,000 in the next 36 days. In fact, he's created a whole research program around it...

And it all kicks off tonight at exactly 6pm.

Don't worry -- it doesn't matter if you're a market pro with years of experience under your belt...or if you've never traded a single stock before (in fact, it might be better if you're a complete novice.)

And if you're looking for proof, check this out -- earlier this year, Jonas asked 8,700 readers to take a short test on their financial and trading knowledge.

The average starting score was a "C."

After just five days of learning Jonas' system, he re-tested the same group of readers. The result?

The average score went from a "C" to an "A." In just five simple days. And here's just some of that what his readers had to say about his service...

I learn more from both of you than anything else I subscribe to.
--Debra R.

As a complete beginner in stock trading, I really appreciate your clear and concise explanations.
--Bob K.
Watch your email box at 6pm tonight for Jonas's next challenge.

You'll see a subject line of "Zero to $10,000." You'll want to open it right away. Inside you'll find details on a unique way to participate.

Once inside the program you'll see hand-picked trading recommendations from Jonas. Both buy and sell alerts. All delivered straight to your e-mail.

But that's not all...

You'll also be able to participate in something we've rarely ever done before here at Rude HQ (I can't tell you more right now. But the email tonight at 6pm will have all the details. We're finalizing everything now.)

It all kicks off tonight. Be on the lookout. Set a reminder for 6pm. Spots are extremely limited.

[Ed. Note: Send your feedback here: - and follow me on Twitter: @GregGuenthner]
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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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